Is your hoverboard too old and you aim to buy a new one but don’t know what to do with the old one as you don’t want to keep both of them? You don’t need to worry as you can sell them. Did the question pop up in your head of where you can sell the hoverboard? Let’s get started to answer this question.

There are many online platforms on which you can sell your hoverboard at the price you want, and if any buyers agree to buy it, your deal is done. It is the easiest way and is more convenient. Or else you can also sell it to the pawn shop.

Let’s read about the places where hoverboards can be sold in detail and some factors a person needs to see before selling a hoverboard. Also, about some guidelines to know how to sell a hoverboard correctly?

Where Can Hoverboards Be Sold?

There are many reasons why a person needs to sell a hoverboard. For example, if,

  • The hoverboard has old technology, and you need a new one with special features.
  • If the hoverboard is troubling you.
  • If you ordered it online and now you are not liking the color.
  • If your weight has exceeded the weight limit on the hoverboard
  • Or if you want a big tires off-road hoverboard. 

Hence, for all these factors seeing everything, the only option you get is to resell it again, and for that, you need a proper place. There are only two ways by which you can sell the hoverboard. 

Online Platforms:

Hoverboards can be sold on many online platforms such as eBay, Wish, Olx, etc. these platforms provide a space for the seller to put their product on their site with the description and price choice. Buyers in need do visit these sites and contact you for the product. If the deal gets done, you get your amount, and the buyer gets the product.

Reading this, you may think about how to use these websites. Right? It is so simple. To be a seller on these websites, you need to make your account and answer everything they ask, and once your account is made, you can put pictures of your product along with a description and post them. 

Pawn Shops:

You might wonder what a pawn shop is. These shops lend you loans against your valuable items like gold, watches, gadgets, etc. You can sell your product or temporarily give it in as a guarantee for money and can take it back when you pay it back. They can sell your product if you don’t return the money. It’s like collateral.

A hoverboard is a valuable gadget, so pawn shops can easily take it, and it is a nice option to sell it there. But make sure to get a receipt or anything as proof.

What Are The Factors That Should Be Considered Before Selling The Hoverboard?

There are many factors that a seller should consider before selling a hoverboard, especially a used one. Pawn shops and online stores both have their pros and cons. These factors are mentioned below.

  • Sellers should be aware of the additional charges that can be applied on many online platforms. Although at pawn shops, no such thing is applicable. 
  • The seller should see its convenience. A hoverboard is a heavy object, and carrying it to the shop can be troublesome. Even if you sell it online, make sure the customer picks it up from your place, or you can use any third medium to deliver it. 
  • The price factor needs to be considered as people are willing to pay online, but at shops, they negotiate as much as possible. 
  • If you need an immediate case then sell it in the pawn shops as online platforms take time to sell a product.
  • Also, ensure the safety of your hoverboard. There are many scams online, so make sure you don’t send the hoverboard before receiving the payment. The same is the case at shops. Make sure to take the receipt or any proof of selling.

It is better to compare and see which option is safer for you than act accordingly.

Guidelines For Selling A Hoverboard

There are some rules for selling a product that sellers should consider. For example, while purchasing, you don’t buy a product until satisfied, so the same is true for sellers. They have to see their benefit and also, at the same time, provide the buyer with the best. The following are the guidelines for sellers that tell how they should sell a product correctly.

  • In the case of selling a used hoverboard, ensure that your hoverboard is in good shape. You must clean it well and see if it’s in the right working order.
  • Please provide as much information to the buyer about the condition of the hoverboard as they need to know. It’s good to be truthful.
  • Beware of the scams.
  • Always put a suitable market price seeing the condition of the hoverboard. 
  • Suppose you have hoverboard accessories like a charger, bag, or box. You should also inform the customer and send it like a newly bought hoverboard. This thing satisfies the customer, and you can get a good amount.   


To conclude, for selling a used hoverboard, you need to ensure that your hoverboard is worth selling. You have to see a few things mentioned in this guide so you can sell them without any inconvenience online or at a shop. For better selling, you can also see the guidelines that are provided for your ease. I hope this information helps you in selling your hoverboard.