Riding a hoverboard is all fun until it starts beeping. The beeping noise irritates your ears and makes you think your hoverboard is broken. Some people might stress out and have no idea what to do in such situations.

Hoverboard beeping or flashing red light doesn’t mean it’s broken and won’t work but indicates a fault in the hoverboard which needs to be fixed. The beeping noise could indicate low battery, fast speed, uneven surface, and much more. The noise makes you aware, so you might pay attention and look at what’s wrong to make it correct.

If your hoverboard is beeping and you don’t know what to do, you are at the right place. To find the solution, first, you need to encounter the problem. Here you will find the reason and solutions so you can fix your hoverboard and enjoy riding it again.

Why Does The Hoverboard Beeps And Blinks Red?

If a hoverboard produces a disturbing sound, it could be due to various reasons, and you can fix it according to the problem. 

Reason of Beeping With Solutions:

  • Battery low:

The hoverboard indicates when the battery is low by producing a beeping sound. It also shows a battery indicator but the noise alerts and makes you attentive.

Solution: If the battery is low, put the hoverboard on charging and wait until it gets fully charged. You will know that the hoverboard is charged when the light turns green. 

  • High speed:

When the speed of your hoverboard gets high, then your hoverboard will indicate to you by beeping as a sign of danger.

Solution: Speeding can cause you damage so hence when the hoverboard indicates that you are going above limit try to slow down and just ride the hoverboard under certain limits.

  • High terrain surface:

When the surface is uneven and has a high slope in which the hoverboard tilts more than 15 degrees, the hoverboard beeps. Hoverboards beep when it tries to warn you of the danger. If the hoverboard is tilted more, you may fall.

Solution: Ensure that you don’t tilt your hoverboard that much. Avoid taking or riding your hoverboard in such places..

  • Loose wires:

When the wire in the hoverboard has some loosing, this is also indicated by the beeping of the hoverboard. It is a bit dangerous as it can cause short circuits. 

Solution: If you find no other problem causing the beeping, you must open the hoverboard by opening its screws. Remove the cover and see the internal board. If you see the loosening in wires, detach them and attach them again. Put back the cover and attach it with screws.

  • Need for calibration:

The hoverboard must be calibrated monthly to keep it in good working order. Calibration is the best solution when the hoverboard starts making a sound or vibrating. 

Solution: For calibration, place the hoverboard on a flat surface. Turn off the hoverboard. Hold the power button for about 10 seconds. The calibration process will get started. Make sure not to move the hoverboard during this process as it can disturb the process. Once the process is completed, the flashing of the light will stop. You can now start the hoverboard and see it working.

  • Overheating of the hoverboard

Suppose you use the hoverboard consecutively for a long time and put it on charge for a long time without turning it off. The battery will get heated up, and it will cause the hoverboard to beep.

Solution: If the battery gets heated, take a break and turn off the hoverboard. Keep in some airy or cool place (A.C room) to reduce its temperature. Once the temperature is reduced, the hoverboard will stop beeping.

  • Maintenance issue:

If you regularly take your hoverboard outside, it needs to be cleaned up. Ensure your hoverboard is clean from the outer side. If any dust or small stone is stuck, it might trouble the hoverboard. The hoverboard will indicate you by a beeping sound. 

Solution: Clean the hoverboard regularly with a cloth and take good care of its maintenance so it can work for a longer time.

  • Different flashing numbers:

With the beeping sound light on the hoverboard also flashes. Beeping also occurs if there is some problem in the internal part of the hoverboard. The number of flashes tells you where the problem relies upon. 

  • If the light flashes one time, the problem is in the motherboard.
  • Two or three flashes of light indicate an internal circuit problem. 
  • Four to five times flashing means there lies an internal motor problem. 
  • If the light flashes six times, it means the problem is in the battery.
  • The seventh and eighth flashes indicate the problem in the gyroscope.
  • Ninth-time flash will inform you that your hoverboard is not in the right position. It might be upside down. 

Solution: If any problem in the internal part resides, you have to open the hoverboard to fix it. The battery and motor can be replaced if the condition is not good. If the hoverboard doesn’t work even after you try fixing it, please get in touch with the manufacturer or call the repairer.

Final thoughts

The beeping of a hoverboard is a sign that indicates different types of problems. However, all problems have solutions. You need to search for the right problem and act accordingly. You might do what is best suitable. The reasons for the solution are described in this article, so I think it might help you search for the exact problem and then have a simple way of solving it.