Hoverboards are very popular among both kids and adults. Everyone has loved and adored them since they were first released because of the thrill they provide.

They are very easy to ride, and even a beginner can control them by spending a few hours while riding.

They are very easy to ride, and even a beginner can control them by spending a few hours while riding.

But, some people are afraid of their self-balancing or smart controlling features, and they hesitate to control them. That is why I am going to discuss the most important topic: how to control a hoverboard?

Hoverboards are controlled by the motion and weight shifting of the rider on their feet. You have to lean forward and shift weight on your toes to accelerate, lean backward and shift weight on your heels to slow down, and shift weight on your left or right feet to take turns.

Hoverboards are very easy to control, and even a beginner can easily control them in a single attempt. You just need to focus on the motions and understand how a hoverboard works. Let’s discuss these things in detail and learn to control a hoverboard by the step-by-step guide.

Learn To Control A Hoverboard – Step by Step Guide

Hoverboards consists of different sensors and smart electronic components. They are controlled by the motion and weight shifting of the rider and the gyroscope inside the footboard.

The gyroscope senses the rider’s motion and sends appropriate signals to the motherboard to act accordingly. Let’s discuss how you can control and take different actions while riding a hoverboard.

Control a Hoverboard

Accelerate Hoverboard Speed

To accelerate the hoverboard speed, you have to lean forward and slowly shift your body weight on your toes.

This will send a signal to the gyroscope that the rider wants to increase the speed and send the appropriate command to the motherboard. This is how you can easily accelerate the hoverboard speed.

You have to shift your weight slowly to increase the speed safely; if you do it in an inappropriate manner or suddenly move your weight forward, there are huge chances that you will fall on the ground and hurt yourself. So, keep this in mind and lean forward slowly.

Take Turns

If you want to take turns while riding the hoverboard, the method is very simple and important. You have to lean and shift your weight on your feet. The gyroscope will sense the motion and will send the signal to the motherboard to act accordingly.

If you want to take a Right Turn, you need to slowly shift your body’s weight on your right foot and release the weight from your left foot. This will trigger the pressure sensors and gyroscope, and the hoverboard will easily take a turn.

Similarly, if you want to take a Left Turn, you need to slowly shift your body’s weight on your left foot and release the weight from the right foot. This will trigger the pressure sensors and gyroscope, and the hoverboard will easily take a turn.

You have to keep in mind that the weight shifting should be done slowly; if you suddenly shift the weight on one side, it may cause the hoverboard to take a long turn, this may unbalance you, and you will end up falling on the ground. So, avoid sudden weight shifts unless you completely understand the controls and operation.

how to take turns on hoverboard

Slow Down Hoverboard

If you want to slow down your hoverboard while riding it, slightly lean backward and shift your body weight on your heels. This will trigger the gyroscope to slow down the wheel motors, and you will easily slow down the hoverboard.

But remember, hoverboards can travel in a reverse direction, and if you shift your weight suddenly, the gyroscope will think that you need to travel backward, and it will suddenly change the direction. This will make you unbalanced, and you will end up falling on the ground or getting injured.

So, keep in mind that you have to slowly shift your body weight and just lean backward. The hoverboard will gradually reduce the speed, and once it achieves your desired speed, you have to shift your weight towards the center and maintain the speed.

Also Read: Are Hoverboards Safe?

Stop The Hoverboard

If you want to stop the hoverboard while riding, you need to slightly lean backward and slow down the speed, as I have mentioned above.

By gradually reducing the speed, you need to maintain the body pressure towards the center of the gravity at some points; this will help you stop the hoverboard while you are standing upon it.

This seems like a very complex procedure, but believe me, it is very easy. You just need to take care of yourself and maintain your balance to stop the hoverboard.

Forcefully shifting your weight forwards and backward can make you unbalanced and make you fall on the ground and hurt yourself.

So, avoid sudden movements; only shift your weight slowly in order to achieve the goal.

Also, learn if you can ride a hoverboard in the rain or not.


Hoverboards are very easy to control and ride. They are made in a way that a rider’s weight shifting triggers the gyroscope and sensors and acts accordingly. I have written a complete guide on easily controlling your hoverboard and performing different tasks by shifting your weight in the appropriate direction.

You can easily practice these practices and learn to Accelerate, Reduce Speed, Take Left & Right turns, and Stop the hoverboard. But remember one thing: you need to shift your weight slowly, if you do it suddenly, there will be dangerous consequences that you will have to face.

This guide will help you understand the Hoverobard’s operation and its control. You will learn how to control a hoverboard within a few minutes by reading this. I have included everything that people want to know about hoverboard operation. If there is something that I have missed out on in this guide, you can tell me by writing in the comment section below.

You can also share your views and recommend things that work for you. It will be very beneficial for my readers and me.