I know how it feels when you own an expensive hoverboard, and there is no place for you to ride it. Do you need a place where you can peacefully enjoy riding your device without any legal interference?

Or are you wondering if you can ride it in Walmart stores? Or can you ride it outside or on the sidewalk?

These are the most common questions that come into every hoverboard rider’s mind. So, I’m going to discuss with you all these questions related to hoverboards.

Walmart stores allow everyone to ride their hoverboard in their stores. You can enjoy it while shopping at Walmart. But, some stores don’t allow them yet because of local state laws. You can call and confirm with your local Walmart store about hoverboards. Once they confirm, you can enjoy the ride.

Hoverboards are restricted in many public places. But there are still some places where you can enjoy riding them. If you are looking to find how and where you can have fun with your hoverboard? Read the following. You will get to know more about hoverboards.

Can You Ride A Hoverboard On The Sidewalk?

You can ride a hoverboard on the sidewalk. But, you should keep in mind that some states in the USA do not allow you to ride it on the road or sidewalk.

At the same time, many other states don’t restrict it. So, you should keep in mind that riding a hoverboard on the sidewalk depends on the country or state you are living in.

Moreover, if you are living in the UK, then I’m really sorry you can’t ride it anywhere in public. The UK has very strict laws for hoverboard riders. They don’t allow you to ride it outside.

But, you can ride it on private property. There are many private parks, riding lands, and areas where they allow electric scooters or self-balancing hoverboards.

So, don’t worry if your government doesn’t allow you to enjoy riding it outside. You can still enjoy them in your home or other public places.

Furthermore, before going on a sidewalk on your hoverboard, make sure that the surface is not too rough. If it’s rough, then it is not recommended to ride on the sidewalk.

Can You Ride a Hoverboard on the Sidewalk

Is It Safe To Ride A Hoverboard On Sidewalks?

Hoverboards are not recommended and are not safe to ride on sidewalks because the surface can be rough or slippery, and a rider may fall down and get injured.

Moreover, sidewalks are mostly crowded with people, and it is very unethical to ride a vehicle alongside that can go up to 20 km per hour. You can lose control and crash into anyone walking peacefully. 

So, it is not safe to ride your hoverboard or any other self-balancing scooter on sidewalks. 

Also Read: Are Hoverboards Safe? A Definitive Guide on Safety of Hoverboards

Can Children Ride Hoverboards On The Sidewalk?

Children are not recommended to ride hoverboards on the sidewalks because sidewalks have a rough surface, and it is very difficult for children to handle them.

They can fall down and get injured while riding. That is why it is not recommended for kids to ride any self-balancing scooters outside or on sidewalks.

Also Read: Are Hoverboards Safe For 7,8,9,10,11, and 12 Years Old?

Can Children Ride A Hoverboard In Walmart?

Children are allowed to ride a hoverboard in a Walmart store. But, not all Walmart stores allow hoverboard riders because of the local government laws.

You should first call and confirm the desired Walmart store about the hoverboards ride rules after confirming you can go and enjoy the ride.

Walmart stores allow hoverboard riders to shop while enjoying their ride.

But, children below 10 years should not ride in a public place because they may lose control and crash into someone or damage the property and hurt themself. 

Can Children Ride a Hoverboard In Walmart

Where Can You Use A Hoverboard?

The most recommended area where you should ride your e scooter or hoverboard is indoors. Yes, there are many consequences which you will have to face while riding outside.

Many countries do not allow riding in public places and some countries that allow it has their own rules.

Some states of the USA allow hoverboard riding on roads and outside unless you are 16 plus. Moreover, you can only ride in daylight.

It is prohibited to ride in street lights because most hoverboards do not have headlights, and because of this, other vehicles will be unable to see a hoverboard rider.

Many other factors are involved when I’m recommending you not to ride outside. Like harsh weather conditions, rough roads/surfaces, local laws, temperature, etc.

Riding it inside doesn’t mean that you should only play with it inside your home.

You can ride it on your lawn, grassy plot, in your parking (if it’s spacious enough), at Walmart, or anywhere else where riding it is not prohibited.

I’m not recommending you to drive it on roads even if it’s legal.

Do You Need A Helmet To Ride A Hoverboard?

Safety should be the first priority whenever you are doing anything. And riding a hoverboard is no less than riding other vehicles like a bike, car, cycle, and others.

Riding a hoverboard is rather more dangerous than other vehicles. Because only your feet are on the board, and your other body parts are exposed to the environment. Anything can happen if you suddenly fall down.

So, wearing a helmet while riding a hoverboard is mandatory. Even if you are riding it inside or outside, there is always a chance of getting hurt. 

Do You Need a Helmet to Ride a Hoverboard


In this article, I have written the answers to your common questions. Like where to ride your hoverboard? Does Walmart allow hoverboard riders? Can you ride it on the sidewalk? Is it safe to ride a hoverboard on sidewalks? Can children ride a hoverboard in Walmart or on Sidewalks? And do you need any helmet to ride a hoverboard?

I hope you have got all the information you were looking for. If you have any other hoverboard-related queries, then please let me know in the comment section below. I will answer them as soon as possible.