Hoverboards had caused a storm in the gadget market when they were first released in 2013. But, there were many flaws in those first hoverboards that is why many unusual incidents occurred like overheating, fire catches, and exploding. The manufacturers improved the issues and technology with time. But due to bad press & media reporting, most people believe that hoverboards are banned or illegal in their country.

Hoverboards are not illegal but are restricted by some laws. Different countries have some restrictions on using them, like in the UK; you can’t ride them anywhere in public places. Similarly, in the USA & Australia, you can ride them in public areas with limitations like speed, age, etc. 

You can say that the government does not restrict hoverboards, but there are some rules that everyone has to follow.

Do you know where you can ride a hoverboard in your country? Or are they illegal in your country? I have gathered in-depth information regarding hoverboards and their legalization.

Let’s discuss where hoverboards are illegal or legal? And where can you ride them?

Are Hoverboards Illegal In The USA?

Hoverboards are not illegal anywhere in the USA. But, some states banned them from riding in public places. Like NYC, the local government passed a law that stated you couldn’t ride a self-balancing hoverboard anywhere in public places.

But, this doesn’t mean that they are banned in NYC; they are not prohibited or illegal but restricted by the law. You can ride them inside or anywhere else with the permission of the property owner.

So, if you are thinking of buying a hoverboard in 2022, you should first check the state or local government laws about hoverboards.

Are Hoverboards illegal in the USA

Imagine you bought an expensive hoverboard to ride around the city, but later you got to know that the local government has banned them from riding on public places or roads. This would be a very frustrating situation for you. So, before buying the hoverboard, call the local government office and ask them about its laws.


California was the first state to recognize the hoverboard as a vehicle and be driven on public roads like other vehicles. For this, they passed a law in 2016 that restricts underage riders and low features hoverboards. Following are the restrictions that they gave to legalize hoverboards.

  • A hoverboard rider should be 16 or more.
  • They must wear safety gear while riding (at least a helmet).
  • You can only ride them under speed limits.
  • For night riding on the roads, your hoverboard should be equipped with fixed headlights that can be visible for the other vehicle drivers from 300 meters away.
  • And you can’t ride it while you consume any drug like alcohol, weed, etc. (this was obvious)

After California, the other states followed them and passed different laws for hoverboards and their riders. The laws change according to every state, city, and local government.

There are some cities where hoverboards are banned outside, but their state allows them. This is because local city governments can also change the law according to the latest situation.

So, it is advised that you first call the local government and ask them about the law. Then make a decision of buying or riding the hoverboard.

Are Hoverboards Banned In New York?

Hoverboards are not allowed on any public area, including roads, pavements, sidewalks, etc. You can’t ride them anywhere outside except private property. There is a strict ban on self-balancing hoverboards, and you could be fined 500 USD if you are caught violating the law.

So, you can’t ride your expensive hoverboard in any public place in NYC.

Are Hoverboards Illegal In Canada?

Hoverboards are not illegal in Canada, but different rules and laws change with every province and city.

Many provinces recognized self-balancing scooters or hoverboards as motorized mini-vehicles. So, they have allowed them on the road and in public areas with some restrictions.

Some provinces don’t recognize them as motorized vehicles because they are too small or can’t meet the minimum insurance or motor registration requirements. So, hoverboard law changes with every province and city.

Are Hoverboards illegal in Canada

But a single thing that is common all across Canada is they are not illegal or banned. You can ride them on any private property with the permission of the owner.

There are no restrictions on riding them inside your property. So, illegal is something that is banned indoors or outdoors. But they are allowed inside, so we can say that they are legal in Canada.

As I have written above, the law changes with every city, but some things are common and allowed outside. Following are the things that are common in hoverboard law in Canada.

  • Hoverboards act like motor vehicles, so they are not allowed on sidewalks, bike lanes, bike paths, parks, etc.
  • You can only buy/sell UL2272 certified hoverboards
  • You can not ride a hoverboard without safety gear like a helmet, knee pad, etc
  • You can’t ride hoverboards while being drunk, or you consume any other drug

These were the common laws that apply where they are allowed outside. So, before buying a hoverboard, ask the local government or city municipal office about its regulation.

If they are banned outside, then you can still ride them inside or any private property. But, if your intention of buying it was to ride it out. Then this will be the problem, so act accordingly.

Are Hoverboards Illegal In The UK?

Unfortunately, hoverboards or self-balancing scooters are not allowed in public places all across the UK. But that doesn’t mean that they are banned or not legal. Hoverboards with UL2272 certificates are legal to sell and buy in the UK.

Hoverboards are banned on sidewalks in the UK due to the motor vehicle act 1835, which states that no vehicle or transport is allowed on sidewalks. And hoverboards fall in the two-wheel motor category; that is why they are banned on sidewalks.

Are hoverboards illegal in the UK

You must be thinking that if they fall in the two-wheeled motors category, why not they are allowed on the roads? The motor vehicle act 1835 also states that only registered motors are allowed to be moved on the road. But, hoverboards are so small to be considered for motor registration and insurance.

You can ride your hoverboard or any other self-balancing e-scooter inside the private property with the owner’s permission (first, know the meaning of private property in the UK).

Moreover, you can ride your hoverboard in some private stores or shopping malls where they allow it. Like Walmart, many Walmart stores allow visitors to visit their store on their hoverboard, allowing the people to get familiar with the latest technology.

Are Hoverboards Illegal In Australia?

Hoverboards are also legal in Australia only if they meet their security standards. Companies can sell their manufactured self-balancing vehicles only after getting checked or passed by the government safety checks. This is due to the hoverboard’s explosion history. So, only those hoverboards are allowed who have a UL2272 certificate.

Now, the much-awaited news is people are allowed to ride their hoverboards in public places under some restrictions. They are not permitted on roads, but you can ride them on public paths, footpaths, and even bike paths. Just make sure that you are not exceeding the road’s speed limit and don’t interrupt anyone with your device. 

Moreover, hoverboard riders can only ride in public places while wearing safety gear like helmets, knee pads, etc. If you’re caught not wearing a helmet on the hoverboard, you may be fined and interact with the police.

So, make sure you are respecting the laws. This will allow you to enjoy your self-balancing buddy everywhere, anywhere. 

Can You Ride A Hoverboard Everywhere?

You can’t ride your hoverboard everywhere. Even if it is permitted to ride outside in your country, you can’t ride it everywhere. Because there must be some restrictions and you have to follow them to not get arrested or get fined. 

Like the USA, some states permit hoverboards outside, but you can’t ride them on pavements or sidewalks. Similarly, Australia is also allowed to ride them outside, but you can’t ride them on roads, pavements, bike lanes, etc.

Can You Ride a Hoverboard Everywhere

So, you can’t just ride your hoverboard anywhere, and you have to follow the rules designed by your government. The rules are designed for the safety of people and property, and obeying them is the only way to avoid problems. 

Can You Use A Hoverboard In The Mall?

Many shopping malls around the world have a “no hoverboard” policy due to the disastrous history of hoverboards. They adopted this policy for the safety of customers and their property.

So, you may use a hoverboard in a shopping mall. But, this depends on the property owner; if they have allowed it, you can enjoy it.

Are Hoverboards Legal In Parks?

You can’t ride your hoverboard in a public property park, but they are not restricted in private parks. Only you need to take permission from the park’s owner, and then you can enjoy riding your self-balancing scooter.

Hoverboards are banned in public parks around the world for the sake of people’s safety. But you can ride on private property with the permission of the owner. There is no restriction on riding inside your property.

Can You Ride A Hoverboard In Airports?

You can’t ride your hoverboard in any airport worldwide. Almost all airports and airlines around the world permanently banned hoverboards due to their explosion & fire-catching history. At the start, when they were released between 2013-2015, there were many incidents of battery overheating and fire catching incidents reported due to the cheap lithium-ion battery.

You cannot ride inside the airport and even take your laptop on the flight because a fire explosion may cause safety concerns for the people and the airport property.

So, they have to ban them for the safety of people and property.


Hoverboards and their regulation are one of the most controversial topics that exist today. Since their first release, everyone has wondered if they can ride it on roads, sidewalks, etc. But there were no laws that regulated hoverboards. So, everyone was wondering if they are illegal or legal in the USA, Canada, and Australia. Or if they are legal, then where and where not to ride them. These were the questions everyone was wondering.

So, I have discussed all the above topics in depth. I hope you have the information you were searching for. If you need to know something about hoverboards and their laws, you can ask me via writing in the comment section below.

I will respond quickly with the most helpful answer.